This post is to remind myself power of Oracle REGEXP_REPLACE. At time I forget how this in-build function can be used instead of writing a code!
Few examples:
Below will replace remove digits.
WITH strings AS ( SELECT 'abc123' s FROM dual union all SELECT '123abc' s FROM dual union all SELECT 'a1b2c3' s FROM dual ) SELECT s "STRING", regexp_replace(s, '[0-9]', '') "MODIFIED_STRING" FROM strings
STRING MODIFIED_STRING abc123 abc 123abc abc a1b2c3 abc -
Convert multiple spaces to single space.
WITH strings AS ( SELECT 'Hello World' s FROM dual union all SELECT 'Hello World' s FROM dual union all SELECT 'Hello, World !' s FROM dual ) SELECT s "STRING", regexp_replace(s, ' {2,}', ' ') "MODIFIED_STRING" FROM strings
STRING MODIFIED_STRING Hello World Hello World Hello World abHello World Hello, World ! Hello, World! -
Convert camel case string to lowercase with underscores between words. Very handy if you ever want to create table from a POJO!
WITH strings as ( SELECT 'AddressLine1' s FROM dual union all SELECT 'ZipCode' s FROM dual union all SELECT 'Country' s FROM dual ) SELECT s "STRING", lower(regexp_replace(s, '([A-Z0-9])', '_\1', 2)) "MODIFIED_STRING" FROM strings
STRING MODIFIED_STRING AddressLine1 address_line_1 ZipCode zip_code Country country -
If you are sure that input string is date only then you convert yyyy-mm-dd date formats to like this.
WITH date_strings AS ( SELECT '2015-01-01' d from dual union all SELECT '2000-12-31' d from dual union all SELECT '900-01-01' d from dual ) SELECT d "STRING", regexp_replace(d, '([[:digit:]]+)-([[:digit:]]{2})-([[:digit:]]{2})', '\3.\2.\1') "MODIFIED_STRING" FROM date_strings
STRING MODIFIED_STRING 2015-01-01 01.01.2015 2000-12-31 31.12.2000 900-01-01 01.01.900
These snippets are from Reference